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Friday, August 3, 2018

How to Get Out of a Recovery Rut

We all have good and bad days and we all get into ruts once in awhile. While this is completely normal, it’s also risky to your recovery if you get stuck in a rut. Here are some tips to help you pick yourself up and push through.
  • Show yourself compassion. Beating yourself up is never the answer. Especially during recovery when you’re fragile, it’s important to show yourself kindness and view any bumps in the road as learning experiences. 
  • Reengage in your recovery. Ask yourself: What have you done today to help your recovery? For example, did you meet with your therapist, write in a journal, meditate or attend a support group? Making sure you complete your recovery task on a daily basis can help keep you out of a rut.
  • Practice self-care. Whether you carve out quiet time to pray or meditate or just go for a brisk walk in nature, taking 10 minutes to mind your wellbeing will help keep you inspired and motivated.
  • Be more mindful. Without judgment, consider any feelings that could be causing your rut. Try writing them down in a journal and then putting it aside. This exercise can help you move past any emotional roadblocks that may be in your way. 
  • Avoid comparisons. No one’s recovery is the same and so don’t get caught up in comparing your progress with someone else’s. This can just foster negative feelings and unrealistic expectations. The result: a rut!
  • Remember, you’re not alone. Again, we all get into ruts now and again. Do your best to stay positive, seek support and push on through.
Staying Inspired at Complete Harmony
At Complete Harmony, we provide the tools you or someone you love needs to endure the ups and downs of recovery. To learn more about our cutting edge treatments, call us today: 866-930-4673.

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