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Friday, July 20, 2018

Tips for Creating a Balanced Life in Recovery

balanced life
Part of learning to live a sober life is learning to live a balanced life. And this means finding time for happiness, goals and overall health amid the mundane and stress of everyday life. Here are some tips to get you started: 
  • Practice good time management. Learning to manage your time is crucial for a healthy life balance. This means being vigilant about staying organized, prioritizing to-do lists, learning to say “no” and asking for help when you need it. 
  • Prioritize your health. Taking the time to strengthen your mind and body will make you more resilient and better able to stay strong and grounded. This means scheduling in sleep, exercise, relaxation and healthful meals.
  • Plan ahead. It’s import to keep your goals top of mind without letting them overwhelm you or make you feel like a failure. Start the week by jotting down one goal and one way you can work toward meeting that goal. It can be a small step. 
  • Don’t forget the pleasures of life. Spend time with loved ones and friends who lift your spirits or make you laugh. Make time for nature and play and hobbies that excite you. 
  • Be a life learner. Now that you’re sober, you have the opportunity to build an exciting and liberating life without the crutches of drugs or alcohol. Each day is a brand-new opportunity to learn something new or experience something amazing for the first time through a sober lens.
  • Remember to breath. Learning to incorporate mindful breathing techniques into your life will ensure that you have a healthy go-to for controlling stress and easing tension. 
Begin SMART Recovery® at Complete Harmony
Living a balanced life is part of the SMART Recovery® 4-point recovery program. At Complete Harmony, our team will help you determine whether this type of addiction recovery program is right for you. To learn more, call today: 866-930-4673.

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