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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rediscover Your Health With Alternative Therapies

If you’re working on overcoming an addiction, your primary focus is to reclaim your health. Long-term drug and alcohol misuse has left you physically, mentally and spiritually imbalanced, and now you have turned your attention to the quest for wellness. Alternative therapies, including the field of holistic medicine, can be the asset you’ve been looking for.

What Is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic healing is based on the idea that treating the whole person is essential to better health. All living beings are a system of interdependent parts, and if one of those parts is not working properly, it will cause all the other components to suffer.

While traditional Western medicine relies heavily on prescription medications to “cure” illnesses, holistic doctors rely on all forms of available health care to treat their patients. Giving you medication will not be a holistic healer’s first and only recourse. To begin with, they will take into account all the other factors that may be contributing to your imbalance, including sleep habits, stress, diet and exercise. A holistic treatment plan will include lifestyle modifications to realign your overall well-being, rather than addressing only one symptom.

Guiding Principles Behind Alternative Therapies

Holistic medicine draws its effectiveness from the concept that all people are born with self-healing abilities. A physician who specializes in holistic healing takes a person-centered approach. Instead of focusing solely on your ailment, they will address the underlying causes of the condition using a variety of treatment options.

Your practitioner’s goal will be to help you take responsibility for your health and well-being. Depending on their training, they may recommend specific lifestyle changes to help you achieve a better physical, mental and spiritual state of being. These changes may include nutrition, counseling, exercise or modifying your sleeping habits, among others. Some alternative wellness providers also offer therapies such as massage, acupuncture, homeopathy and naturopathy.

How to Find a Holistic Healer

If you are interested in working with a holistic practitioner near you, you can use the search feature on the American Holistic Health Association’s website to connect you with healers in your area. When choosing a doctor, be sure to research their training, experience and background, and make sure the provider is board-certified.

In holistic medicine, you and your health care provider work as a team to heal you physically, mentally and emotionally, so you should be sure to look for a doctor whose treatment philosophy and ideals align with yours. You also want to find someone who makes you feel at ease and respects your goals and beliefs.

Above all else, when researching potential alternative therapies, make sure the treatment options go beyond pills. You want to rediscover whole-person wellness that also takes your unique needs as a recovering addict into account. A doctor whose foremost approach is to send you home with one or more prescriptions is understandably someone you might be wary of working with.

An Alternative Approach to Addiction Recovery

Are you ready to rediscover the joy and confidence in your life? At Complete Harmony, our caring team of specialists is dedicated to helping you conquer your addiction and heal you with our state-of-the-art, non-12-step programs. We will develop an individualized treatment plan that respects your beliefs and boundaries, and you will realize the best in yourself along the way. Call our California addiction treatment center at 866-930-4673, or reach out to our recovery advisors online.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Making Relaxation Part of Your Recovery

Learning to relax and let go of tension is an essential recovery skill for several reasons. Most notably, stress is a key relapse trigger for many people. When you allow stress to take over your life, it may tempt you to throw away all the progress you’ve made in your sobriety.

Due to the way addiction hijacks your brain chemistry to the point where you associate substance use as your only way to alleviate stress, it’s natural to have cravings when you feel overwhelmed. If you don’t take daily steps to recharge and relax, you can jeopardize your physical, mental and emotional health. With that in mind, here are five ways to relax in your recovery.

1. Exercise

Bringing exercise into a conversation about relaxation may seem counterintuitive. After all, vigorous physical activity is the opposite of being calm. However, regular exercise is one of the best ways you can bring relaxation into your life. Exercising helps release feel-good chemicals that regulate your emotions. It also encourages deeper and more restorative sleep, which gives your body and mind the opportunity to bounce back from the challenges of the day.

2. Meditate

Meditation is one of the most valuable practices you can learn in recovery. This ancient technique teaches practitioners to be more present in the moment, lending both a focus and a renewed sense of purpose to your life. Meditation is also a way to explore your emotions without fear of anyone judging you or detracting from your experience. When you make time to practice meditation regularly, you will learn how to recognize negative or self-destructive thoughts as they arise, then let them go when they threaten your well-being.

3. Practice Progressive Relaxation

Many people tend to unconsciously hold tension in major muscle groups such as their lower back, shoulders, neck and jawline. Progressive muscle relaxation can help you not only learn where you store tension in your body, but also to release it. With this technique, you focus on relaxing one body part at a time, only moving on after you have allowed it to release completely. Progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful if you are struggling with insomnia, or if you are having a difficult day and need to make time to de-stress.

4. Breathe Deeply

Your breath is linked to many other components of your body. By slowing your breathing, you are sending your brain a clear message to calm down. Your brain, in turn, can slow your heart rate. Whenever you need to relax, even if you only have a few minutes, slow and regular breathing can help you regain control of your emotions and rein in the tension. You can even try a visualization alongside your breathing, such as telling yourself you are inhaling positivity and exhaling negativity.

5. Go Outside

Spending time in nature is an excellent way to relax. The sights, sounds and smells of the great outdoors are not only a feast for the senses, but there’s something about being in the fresh air and sunshine that helps bring a heightened sense of clarity to any day. Whether you’re planning to go on a hike to get your blood pumping, or are merely spending a few minutes reading in a patch of sunlight, you are bringing yourself some serious stress-busting benefits.

Reward Yourself for the Progress You’ve Made

Maintaining your sobriety can be a daily challenge, but you should recognize how to incorporate your recovery goals into your lifestyle. The first step begins with enrolling in a treatment center that recognizes your needs and helps you regain your health with a holistic approach.

At Complete Harmony, we put success within your reach with our range of innovative treatment modalities that allow you to reestablish healthy patterns and become a well-rounded individual. Contact our admissions team to learn more about what we offer.
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