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Friday, May 18, 2018

Self-Care Rituals for Recovery

self-careCertainly this isn’t the first (or last) time we’ll talk about the importance of self-care. You likely know by now that self-care is crucial for your recovery and lasting sobriety – and that it goes well beyond good hygiene, diet and exercise. 

Practicing self-care means carving out time each day to nurture your whole self – mind, body and spirit.  There are so many self-care rituals out there – from dry brushing to detoxing – but which ones will really work to enhance your recovery? Here are a few proven strategies to try today: 
  • Stop and smell the roses. Whether literally or figuratively, taking time to slow down and smell the roses has multiple mental health benefits. You'll learn to live in the moment and appreciate your surroundings and, if you practice this outdoors, you'll reap the anxiety-busting benefits of nature, too. 
  • Make the most of your mornings. Whether you take a morning walk or sip green tea and jot down your goals for the day, carving out some “you time” in the a.m. can help set the tone for a great day in recovery. 
  • Practice spirituality. Spiritual practices like prayer or meditation can play a big role in recovery. Some perks: less anxiety, more optimism, fewer cravings and relapses. 
  • Start a daily journal. Journaling is a simple and super powerful self-care ritual – and there’s really no right or wrong way to do it. Write down what you’re grateful for or the worst part of your day or some inspirational quotes – just get your thoughts flowing and down on paper. 
A Healthier Lifestyle With Deeper Purpose
At Complete Harmony, our holistic relapse prevention plans provide the tools you or someone you love needs for lifelong sobriety. After recovery, our staff encourages you to continue holistic therapies and find groups and community resources that support your commitment to sobriety. To learn more, call 866-930-4673.

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