Repairing relationships damaged while in active addiction is likely among your recovery to-dos. While winning back trust with loved ones will certainly take some time, you can start rebuilding your rapport by becoming an active, empathetic listener.
This means that you not only make sure you're actively paying attention but that you let your loved one know you are. For example, an active listener:
- Asks questions when unclear about what the other person is saying
- Tries to infer what the other person is feeling
- Engages in the conversation without peering at his or her cell or watch
- Keeps track of the points that others make
- Assures the other person that he or she is receptive to his or her ideas
Becoming a better listener may take some practice – but you can get started by taking these steps.
- Stay calm and focused. This means no checking your cellphone, updating your Facebook status, picking at your nail polish, doodling, or fidgeting – but really making an effort to maintain eye contact and hone in on the other person’s words and feelings. Body language counts, too, so make sure that you’re not crossing your arms and legs or leaning away.
- Summarize points of agreement and disagreement if appropriate. While you don’t want to parrot what the other person is saying, you do want to show that you’re listening by repeating what you heard in your own words. This will also prevent any misunderstandings or misinterpretations.
- Acknowledge your loved one’s feelings, issues, or problems. For example, you could say: “I know how tough this is and appreciate your openness and willingness to talk it out.” This type of dialogue will demonstrate your empathy.
- Focus on listening as much as speaking. In other words, don’t simply wait for your turn to talk. When you feel the urge to interject, make an effort to slow yourself down and really listen to what the other person is saying.
- Accept another person’s opinion. When you're empathically listening, you don’t just hear words but you demonstrate that you know how the other person feels. And this holds true even if your loved one’s point of view differs from yours.
Continual Growth at Complete Harmony
Our team of credentialed clinicians helps you explore your own recovery journey while learning to heal relationships and build a sober social network. For more information about our cutting edge treatments, call today: 866-930-4673.
Our team of credentialed clinicians helps you explore your own recovery journey while learning to heal relationships and build a sober social network. For more information about our cutting edge treatments, call today: 866-930-4673.