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Friday, September 9, 2016

Are You Getting the Depression Treatment You Need?

A new study of 46,417 adults, which was published in JAMA Internal Medicine this week, found that the majority of people with clinical depression aren’t getting treatment. In fact, among the 8.4 percent of study participants who screened positive for depression, only 28.7 percent received any depression treatment at all. 

Researchers also discovered that many people getting treatment may not even need it: Only 29.9% of adults treated for depression actually screened positive for depression and 21.8% for serious psychological distress.

So what’s the solution? Researchers are urging general practitioners to be more vigilant about identifying symptoms of depression and referring patients to mental healthcare providers. 

Spotting the Signs of Depression
You can also play a vital role in protecting your mental health. Recognizing depression early and taking action is the best way to minimize the physical and emotional damage of depression. And it’s especially important if you’re struggling with depression and substance abuse disorder. 

Both, after all, still carry a stigma, which can prevent those who really need help from getting it. Studies also show that people with co-occurring disorders are less likely to comply with treatment, leading to more psychiatric hospitalizations, attempted suicides, and other complications. 

Here are some common depression symptoms to look for.
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Insomnia
  • Sleeping too much
  • Changes in appetite or weight 
  • Physical pain
  • Memory problems
  • Social withdrawal
  • Unexplained sadness 
  • Loss of interest in hobbies/activities
Getting Help for Depression and Addiction
or men and women struggling with mental illness and addictive tendencies, rehabilitation may seem like an impossible journey. Complete Harmony offers integrated therapeutic, holistic, and medical support for clients dealing with co-existing addiction and mental illness. Our experience with mental illness is broad and deep. For more info, call 866-930-4673.

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