What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Everyone feels emotions and acts on them during all phases of living. Emotions, like instincts, are innate decision-making shortcuts left over from a time when primitive man needed to act quickly in order to survive. Emotions gave our ancestors an edge, and modern man still benefits from them—if we learn to correctly recognize and interpret them. Emotional intelligence is the ability to (1) reliably identify and assess emotions in ourselves and others, and (2) control our emotions and influence the emotions of others.
Why Low EQ Is a Problem in Recovery
Stress, anxiety, suppressed anger, and isolation are some of the emotionally based problems that recovering addicts face. Substance use probably masked the discomfort of these feelings, but in recovery, they must be brought out in the open and confronted. Without emotional intelligence to guide them, recovering addicts are unable to judge their own emotions and the emotional responses they receive from others.
Emotional Intelligence in Recovery Activities
Most rehab programs recognize the dangers of a low EQ and incorporate exercises to raise emotional intelligence into their therapy and support programs. Recovery activities include:
• Self-awareness: recognizing, identifying, and gauging emotion; identifying triggers and cravings.
• Relationship skills: recognizing and correctly identifying emotion in others; learning to empathize.
• Stress management: using exercise, yoga, meditation, & other interventions to relieve stress & anxiety
• Social skills like effective listening, understanding body language, and the use of humor to find connection and dissipate tension.
• Anger management and conflict resolution skills.
• Mindfulness and gratefulness meditation to develop perspective and self-understanding.
Develop Your Emotional Intelligence at Complete Harmony
When you have made the decision to enter recovery, you will have to face the emotions that may originally have driven you to addiction. The holistic therapies at Complete Harmony’s innovative rehab center will help you develop the emotional intelligence you will need to succeed in recovery and live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Dial 866.930.4673 to begin the admissions process today.