In fact, giving thanks on a daily basis can be a powerful recovery tool with tremendous benefits to your physical, emotional, and mental health. We all have the ability to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have – and how far you’ve come – rather than complaining about all of the things you think you deserve.
Here are just a few of the many ways having “an attitude of gratitude” can help you and your journey toward sobriety.
You’ll sleep better: Just 15 minutes spent writing in a gratitude journal each night can result in better, longer sleep, according to a study in the journal Applied Psychology.
You’ll have fewer toxic emotions. Having an attitude of gratitude has been study-proven to improve psychological health, reducing emotions ranging from resentment to regret.
You’ll be more resilient. Recognizing all you have to be thankful for – even during the tough times of recovery – fosters resilience.
You’ll have fewer aches and pains. This is partly because grateful people have been found to take better care of their health, including exercising more and getting regular check-ups.
You’ll expand your social circle. Acknowledging other people’s contributions, even with a simple thank you, can open doors to potential friendships.
You’ll better manage stress. A positive mental attitude has been shown to fend off stress and anxiety.
More Stress Management at Complete Harmony
Stress heightens addictive tendencies and mental illness, and detox can make this process even worse. Our therapists and medical professionals facilitate healing through holistic symptom treatment, specialized group and individual therapy approaches, pharmacological management, and family support. To learn more, call 866-930-4673.