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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Finding Fitness Motivation

Whether you vowed to move more as part of your New Year’s goals or have included exercise in your overall sobriety strategy, you likely know by now that the benefits are plenty. Physical activity makes you happier and less stressed and it also helps fend off some pretty serious health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. 

3 Tips to Stay Motivated
Knowing that something is good for you and doing that something that is good for you are two different things. Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to let exercise fall by the wayside – especially with all of your other recovery to-dos. The good news: You can motivate yourself to make movement part of your every day. Here’s how: 
  1. Think movement, not exercise. You can reap the benefits of exercise without hitting the gym. The goal is this: Move more – and that can mean taking the stairs, cleaning the house, or parking further from the store. 
  2. Set a date – and stick to it. Whether it’s a daily walk with a friend or weekly yoga class, setting an appointment can help keep you accountable. 
  3. Write it down. An exercise journal is a great motivational tool. Start by tracking what you did and for how long (and don’t forget to include household chores) and add it all up at the end of your day. Consider jotting down how different types of movement made you feel; for example, relaxed or reinvigorated or more limber. 
Let Us Help You Find Fitness Motivation
The best form of fitness during addiction recovery is the kind that motivates you and supports your n
ew sober lifestyle. At Complete Harmony, our hybrid addiction recovery program offers exercise planning to strengthen your body during addiction recovery. To learn more, call: 866-930-4673.

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