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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Being Grateful on Thanksgiving and Beyond

Thanksgiving Day is the perfect time to practice gratitude as you gather with loved ones and give thanks for bounty, friendship, and love. However, you shouldn’t stop counting your blessings once the holiday comes to an end. 

In fact, giving thanks on a daily basis can be a powerful recovery tool with tremendous benefits to your physical, emotional, and mental health. We all have the ability to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have – and how far you’ve come – rather than complaining about all of the things you think you deserve.   

Here are just a few of the many ways having “an attitude of gratitude” can help you and your journey toward sobriety.

You’ll sleep better: Just 15 minutes spent writing in a gratitude journal each night can result in better, longer sleep, according to a study in the journal Applied Psychology. 

You’ll have fewer toxic emotions. Having an attitude of gratitude has been study-proven to improve psychological health, reducing emotions ranging from resentment to regret. 

You’ll be more resilient. Recognizing all you have to be thankful for – even during the tough times of recovery – fosters resilience.

You’ll have fewer aches and pains. This is partly because grateful people have been found to take better care of their health, including exercising more and getting regular check-ups. 

You’ll expand your social circle. Acknowledging other people’s contributions, even with a simple thank you, can open doors to potential friendships.

You’ll better manage stress. A positive mental attitude has been shown to fend off stress and anxiety.

More Stress Management at Complete Harmony 
Stress heightens addictive tendencies and mental illness, and detox can make this process even worse. Our therapists and medical professionals facilitate healing through holistic symptom treatment, specialized group and individual therapy approaches, pharmacological management, and family support. To learn more, call 866-930-4673.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Make Your Plan to Stop Smoking Today

It’s the Great American Smokeout, an awareness day designed to help smokers kick their nicotine habit. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), those who quit — even for one day — lower their cancer risk and take a key step toward a healthier life.

There’s no better time than today to add quitting smoking to your list of recovery to-dos. Here are some science-backed methods that may make it a bit easier – and, perhaps the best part, they are great lifestyle choices for sustaining long-term sobriety, too. 
  • Pursue a new hobby or passion. According to a study in the journal PLOS ONE, participating in an exciting activity can activate the same reward system in the brain that's triggered by nicotine. And if you choose a self-expanding activity, such as puzzle-solving, games, or hobbies with one’s partner, you’ll further reduce cravings for nicotine.
  • Get moving. Exercise can help decrease those “nic fits” by releasing the feel-good chemicals serotonin and dopamine in your brain. 
  • Make time to meditate. Even if you’re not consciously trying to quit smoking, practicing mindfulness meditation has been shown to help smokers cut back. 
  • Load up on fresh produce. Next time you crave a cigarette, grab a carrot stick or apple. The simple act of snacking on fruits and veggies has been shown to help promote a tobacco-free lifestyle, according to research from the University at Buffalo.
Meditation & Holistic Rehab Treatment 
As you pursue a lifestyle free of chemical substances, including cigarettes, you'll likely be faced with many events, places, and situations that trigger the desire to use. Taking a few moments to meditate at work, in the car, or before stressful situations can lead to more mindful decisions and more strength to remain sober and nicotine-free. To learn more about the addiction treatment at Complete Harmony, call today: 866-930-4673.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Running 101 for Recovery

Running is an inexpensive and powerful addition to your recovery plan and new, sober lifestyle. In addition to providing a healthy distraction, running can help you better manage stress and anxiety (common relapse triggers), improve sleep, boost self-confidence, and maintain a healthy weight. 

If you’re thinking about becoming a runner, these proven strategies will help you ease into it. 

Get your doctor’s clearance. Especially if you’ve been sedentary for more than a year, are overweight, or have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before embarking on a new exercise plan. 

Walk before you run. Slow and steady win the race when it comes to learning how to be a runner. Begin with purposeful walking (for half an hour or so), next combine walking and jogging until you slowly increase your jogging.

Invest in proper footwear. Visit an athletic store and consult with the staff on the best shoe for you. It should fit well and be designed for the impact of running.

Find a fitness partner. Inquire about a running club or group in your community, or pair up with your sponsor or someone whom you’ve befriended during recovery.  

Keep a fitness journal. This will help you stay motivated as you track your progress and gradually increase your distance or speed. Remember to celebrate your fitness goals along the way.

Listen to your body. Pushing yourself too hard or too quickly can lead to burnout and injuries. It takes time to build stamina and strength and improve your health and fitness levels.

Exercise to Support Your Sobriety 
At Complete Harmony, we know that fighting addiction is more than simply giving up drugs and alcohol. It’s about creating a new sober lifestyle that supports your health holistically. Our hybrid addiction recovery program offers exercise planning to strengthen your body during addiction recovery. To learn more, call: 866-930-4673.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Simple Steps for Soothing Self-Care

Some people say self-care is the foundation of addiction recovery. If you’ve completed rehab and/or an aftercare program, you’re likely familiar with the role self-care plays in your recovery and long-term sobriety.   

You may even know that self-care goes beyond just bathing, eating right, and exercising. It means nurturing your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial health. And it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or costly. 

Here are just a few self-care tips you can put into action today: 
  • Snuggle up with your loved one.
  • Sit down with a good book; perhaps one that inspires you to become a better person.
  • Sip a warm cup of herbal tea.
  • Begin your mornings with a few yoga poses to clear your mind and energize your body.
  • Head outdoors and soak up the sun as you take a long, relaxing stroll.
  • Sit in a bubble bath and tune out to your favorite tunes.
  • Organize your desk and tackle one pile of paperwork or bills.
  • Light a scented candle and get creative by coloring, drawing, painting, or writing poetry.
  • Give yourself a facial or pedicure.
  • Wake up early and watch the sunrise.
  • Pop some popcorn and cue your favorite Netflix series.
  • Pour yourself a tall glass of water infused with cucumber or lemon.
  • Sit and focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and let go of your worries.
  • Make a list of long-term recovery goals. 
  • Jot down five things you’re grateful for. 
  • Set the alarm a few minutes early and stay in bed and meditate.
A Healthier Lifestyle With Deeper Purpose
At Complete Harmony, our holistic relapse prevention plans provide the tools you or someone you love needs for lifelong sobriety. After recovery, our staff encourages you to continue holistic therapies and find groups and community resources that support your commitment to sobriety. To learn more, call 866-930-4673.

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