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Friday, September 16, 2016

When Good Things Come from Getting Sober

For Todd Crandel, who abused alcohol, heroin and cocaine for 13 years, becoming sober has meant becoming one of the most elite endurance athletes in the world. He was the only one who was able to finish the 2008 Ultraman triathlon, a race involving six miles of swimming, 52 miles of running and 261 miles of biking – over a period of three days!

“I didn’t think I deserved to live a life without drug,” he told Australia’s Channel 9 News. “I didn’t want to live a life without drugs. I didn’t know how to live a life without drugs.” 

It's also meant helping others along their sobriety journey. In 2001, Crandel founded Racing for Recovery, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing counseling and support and athletic events for those in recovery. He also became a licensed addiction counselor. “ “What I say to people to get them going is, you deserve a better life and you can achieve it,” he told The Fix.

Certainly going from active addiction to this level of athleticism and success isn’t the norm, but the message of hope and the possibility of a better, sober life is one that anyone in recovery can relate to. 

It doesn’t matter why you choose to get sober as long as you do choose the sober path. And, hey, you may be delighted and surprised by the many positive outcomes that come with lasting recovery – from reestablishing your relationship with your children to completing that long-overdue degree or simply being able to have a sense of self-worth again.

Finding Your Happiness in Sobriety 
Are you ready to experience the lasting happiness and healthy sense of well-being that comes with sobriety? The holistic therapies at Complete Harmony can show you the way to a more meaningful and satisfying life. Begin the journey today by calling 866-930-4673.

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